Sea Dog Theater event, photo by Jeremy Varner

Chris is co-founder and has served as Artistic Director of the award-winning Sea Dog Theater in NYC since 2018, visit for upcoming events and more information.

Directing Credits

2020 “Title of Show” by Bell and Bowen/Kings College Theater

2020 “Woycek 2.0” by Georg Büchner/Sommerakademie Graz

2019 “The Rare Biosphere” by Chris Cragin Day/Sea Dog Theater

2019 “Constellations” by Nick Payne/Sea Dog Theater

2018 “Red” by John Logan with Vincent D’Onofrio/Sea Dog Theater

2018 “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller/Kings College Theater

2015 “Uncle Vanya” by Anton Chekhov/Bleecker Street Theater

2013 “Gruesome Playground Injuries” by Rajiv Joseph/Kings College Theater

2006 “Lovers” by Brian Friel/Southern Methodist University

2005 “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by Shakespeare/Colorado Shakes Education Program

Acting Seminars and Workshops:

THEATER WORKSHOP WIEN 2020-2021 — Master Class workshops in “Scene Study” and “Character Development” in German

SOMMERAKADEMIE FÜR THEATER IN GRAZ 2019 — Present/Two-week intensive acting workshops: “Scene Study,” “Character Development,” and “Directing” in German.